Vanessa Maugey
MSc, GMBPsS, FRSA Principal Coaching Psychologist
Vanessa Maugey
MSc, GMBPsS, FRSA Principal Coaching Psychologist
Vanessa is Principal Coaching Psychologist and an ADHD mentor working with adults who have diagnosed or suspected ADHD.
She has a BSc (Hons) in Applied Psychology and an MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health. She is also a certified coach in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and Stress Management Coaching.
With 17 years’ experience of ADHD and Autism and a personal vested interest in this field, Vanessa aims to help adults to understand and master their neurodivergence using a brain science perspective. In her experience, once the person has the right scaffolding in place within their environment, they can learn to navigate life and work.
Vanessa is a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), an affiliate member of the British Neuroscience Society and an affiliate member of the International Society of Coaching Psychology.