Georgie Palmer
BBC Broadcaster | Communications Skills Specialist | TEDx Speaker | AutismAmbassador
Georgie Palmer
BBC Broadcaster | Communications Skills Specialist | TEDx Speaker | Autism Ambassador
Our life has become a shadow of its former self, pretty much unrecognisable, since our daughter first presented with ASD over two years’ ago; our world has been turned upside down. We fight tooth and nail every single day trying to make her world a better & easier place for her, whether that’s at home dealing with the inevitable daily fallouts after her masking all day at school, fighting for her EHCP, going to a tribunal to secure her place at the right secondary school or pushing to get her the right therapies and treatments.
Within the confines of home, it’s like living in an environment where there’s constantly a loose hand grenade with the safety pin pulled out – we just never know when there’ll be an explosion. We are on our knees with stress and worry for her future, but worst of all is the biting loneliness and isolation we feel as a family. I cannot even begin to express the gratitude in my heart for all that SenLife are setting out to do – to finally know there will be a community where we are seen, held, listened to and helped is utterly wonderful. We feel proud and humbled to know that we can be part of this community, not just to help our wonderful little girl but to be able to support others, too. Thank you SenLife.